Chipped Bone In Foot [Causes & Best Treatment]

Chipped Bone In Foot: Find out if you have a chipped bone in your foot? Or if it is something else entirely. The get rid of it!

Chipped Bone In Foot Symptoms:

It is usually pretty obvious when it is a bone through your skin.

  • It feels hard.
  • You can feel it continue along the bone.
  • It is usually immobile and stuck to the bone surface.
  • It can cause skin pain against your shoe.
  • It can cause nerve pain: numbness, burning & tingling.
Chipped bone in the foot or shin treatment
This is a chipped bone of the proximal phalanx of the 2nd toe. Make sure you don’t aggravate it further! A chipped toe bone can have a really straightforward healing process with buddy taping and wearing good shoes.

Causes Of A Chipped Bone In Foot:

Usually, it is not even a chipped bone that is causing your worry.

  • It is a bone fragment known as an osteophyte.
  • Osteophytes usually occur due to arthritis or trauma to a joint.
  • It is known as exuberant (extra) bone formation in an area.
  • If abnormal stress is placed on a joint, it can develop extra bone formation.
  • This is most common in weight-bearing joints.

Chipped Bone In Foot Treatment:

The most common sites of this extra bone formation known as an osteophyte are:

1)The Big Toe Joint:

  • This is usually about a condition known as hallux rigidus.
  • So much extra bone can form that it decreases or even completely stops big toe joint motion.
  • This leads to severe pain.
  • It is known as degenerative joint disease.
  • You can feel all the extra rough bone on top of your big toe joint!

2)The Top Of The Foot:

This is known as the 1st metatarsal cuneiform joint exostosis.

Bone spur on top of the middle of the foot lisfranc joint
This is a big bump on the top of the middle of the foot. This is known as lisfranc joint arthritis. We then recommend skipping the laces in that part of the shoe to take pressure off the lump! Look at good orthotics and shoes to relieve the compression.
  • This is a midfoot joint spur.
  • This can compress the nerve the runs across the top of your foot.
  • It can cause swelling & redness in the skin.
  • It can cause numbness, burning, and tingling in the nerve.
There is a lot of anatomy at the top of the foot. The most common place for a chipped bone is at the Lisfranc joint, the foot’s middle. This can cause rubbing the setup of your shoe.
We find that the best way to relieve this pain is to skip the shoelace holes over this bone spur immediately.

3)The Ankle Joint:

Ankle joint anatomy tibia and fibula lateral view
This is a lateral view of the tibia and fibula. It is important to check from both the AP and lateral views. On X-ray, it can be difficult to see finer fractures, especially if there is no displacement. There is a chip at the back of the ankle joint here.

This is known as an anterior ankle spur.

  • This can decrease the range of motion of your ankle dramatically.
  • It can lead to ankle arthritis.

4)The Heel:

Back of the heel spur and bottom of the heel spur
This patient had both Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis at the same time for many years. You can see the beginnings of an Achilles tendon heel spur in the plantar fascia heel spur at the bottom of the foot.

This is known as a heel spur.

  • This is perhaps the most famous bone spur or osteophyte.
  • This is actually an enthesophyte because the pull of a muscle causes it.
  • This can happen at the bottom of the back of the heel.
  • At the bottom, it is related to plantar fascia pain (plantar fasciitis).
  • At the back, it is related to Achilles tendonitis & Achilles pain.
Calcaneus Bone Spur Bottom of the heel spur
This is a bone spur at the bottom of the heel. This is caused by a condition called plantar fasciitis.
Achilles tendon-bone spur is at the back of the heel where the Achilles tendon inserts.

Minimally invasive bone spur surgery in the office:

Podiatrists and foot doctors can perform minimally invasive procedures in the office.

We can smooth bone chips and spurs in the office with a more reasonable recovery time and minimal incisions.

Come see our doctors to see if you may be a candidate for a minimally invasive procedure to remove a bone spur.

List of procedures our podiatrists can perform: