Chipped Shin Bone [Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatment]

Chipped Shin Bone: If you didn’t have a severe accident, black and blue bruising, or any deformity to your leg- 95% chance you are OK!


Why do I have a chipped shine bone lump video:


What is the Shin Bone?

  • The shinbone is actually a large bone called the tibia. It is the bone between the knee and ankle.
  • Together with the foot, the tibia forms the leg. Together with the thigh this forms what is called the lower extremity.
  • There are two bones within the leg between the ankle and the knee. The larger bone, which bears 85% of your weight, is called the tibia. The smaller bone towards the outside of your body bears 15% of your weight, called the fibula. It does officially comprise your ankle joint, but not so much the knee joint. They are both essential bones for the attachment of ligaments and muscles.
  • It is very rare to chip your shinbone, if you did this is a very severe injury that would likely not let you be able to walk with. True tibial shaft breaks occur with very significant injuries such as severe falls or car accidents.
  • Fractures can occur anywhere throughout this bone, but once again, you would see a definitive deformity.
  • It is very unlikely that you chipped the bone. Otherwise, you would feel severe deformity.


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This is a minor fracture of the fibula. The patient avulsed the ligament from the tip of the fibula. Ligaments to worry about here are the ATFL, PTFL and CFL.



  • As mentioned earlier, it takes a large amount of force to chip the shin bone. High-energy collisions such as car crashes or motorcycle crashes can cause these fractures.
  • Sports injuries such as player collisions in soccer or a fall while skiing can result in a Chipped Shin Bone.
  • Because sports injuries are not as high energy as vehicles crashes, they result in minor and less serious fractures.
  • If you have a Chipped Shin Bone, it may be possible to feel it exactly on the inside of the tibia. It will also really hurt & you won’t be able to bear any weight on your foot.

A shin stress fracture is possible and can cause a gradually onsetting shin pain. But if you stubbed your shin on a coffee table, you most likely don’t have a tibial stress fracture!

Chipped Shin Bone: Causes , Symptoms & Best Treatment 2019
In this x-ray there is ankle arthritis and heel spurs. This is an older patient that has gone through extensive trauma. This is why there are extensive chipped bones in the shin and ankle. It is very unlikely to chip your ship bone unless you have suffered significant trauma.



Think broken shin bone if:

  • You feel severe pain.
  • You can’t put any weight on the leg.
  • There is a gross deformity in the shin area.
  • You can feel a bone deformity when compared to your other leg.
  • You have numbness, burning or tingling in your foot.This does not guarantee that the bone is broken. It could still just be a bone bruise! But if you hit your shin bone very hard, it may be possible to fracture the bone. It is unlikely to have a small chip, but it may be a break.
Broken Ankle Anatomy Recovery Time
This ankle is not broken, but there is definitely joint space loss. This can be a strong sign of injury or ankle arthritis.

Think bone bruise or severe skin bruise if:

  • Pain that does not get worse with weight-bearing.
  • You can stand on your heel.
  • It doesn’t make much of a difference if weight bearing or non-weight bearing.
  • No obvious deformity in the leg.
  • If you can feel with your hand and the bone is generally the same as the other leg.
  • No tending of the skin.
  • No numbness, burning or tingling in the foot.



Can a shin chip fracture be dangerous?


  • If you had a dangerous fracture that went all the way through both sides of the bone, yes, this would be very dangerous. But you would have a severely deformed leg or be unable to put any weight on your foot.
  • Simply having swelling at the front of your shin, is more likely to be a bone bruise, or an muscle injury.


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This is a minor fracture of the fibula. The patient avulsed the ligament from the tip of the fibula. Ligaments to worry about here are the ATFL, PTFL, and CFL.


How do I know if I have a chipped shinbone or just bruised?


  • Very likely, it is just a bruise, otherwise he would have severe difficulty walking.
  • If you do not have a significant deformity, this is more likely to be a bruise than a broken bone.
  • The best way to make sure that you don’t have a chip is to get an x-ray at the emergency room or your podiatrist’s office if it is severely injured.
  •  from what we see in our office, people usually think they may have a chip, but it is very unlikely to be checked.
  • This is a different story if you have severe pain, black thing damage.


Sprained Foot Healing Time: The Home Treatment Guide
A sprained foot, a sprained ankle, or a sprained big toe joint can take on average 5-7 days to decrease in swelling and up to 2-6 weeks to get normal again.


Factors that make a chipped or broken shinbone more likely:


A chipped shin bone is much more likely if you have the following going on:

  • Tenderness directly to the bone.
  • An inability to place weight on the leg.
  • Black bruised skin.
  • Severe swelling.
  • The huge lump that forms on your shin.
  • Severe deformity.
  • An inability to put any weight on your leg.
  • Having just suffered a severe injury like a fault or a car accident.


Ankle joint foot model mortise anatomy. fibula tibia and talus
This is a bone model of the ankle joint. 3 bones make up the joint: The talus, fibula, and tibia.


Factors that make chipped or broken shinbone more unlikely:


The chipped shinbone is much less likely if you have the following going on:

  • A small bump against the coffee table.
  • Not having severe pain to the extremity.
  • No significant deformity.
  • No tenderness directly to the bone.
  • You can still put all your weight on the bone.
  • A bump against the door frame or wall.
  • Getting kicked during a sports game.
  • No severe bruising.
  • If it is just sore, but you are still able to walk on it.
  • A negative x-ray.
  • The lack of deformity through your tibia.


Kwire fixation ankle fracture.

Types of Fractures in the Shin Bone:

There are many types of Tibial fractures:


Stable fracture:

The broken ends of the bone are properly aligned. This type of fracture does not require surgery to repair, and it heals quickly.


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Displaced fracture:

The broken ends of the bone are not properly aligned. This type of fracture requires surgery to repair. There are many forms of displaced fractures:

a) Oblique fracture– this type of fracture has an oblique shape. It starts as stable and over time it falls out of place.

b) Transverse  fracture– it is a fracture in the shape of a horizontal line. This fracture can be stable or unstable (especially if the Fibula is also broken).

c) Spiral fracture– has the shape of a staircase. Normally a twisting force to the leg can cause this type of fracture.

d) Open fracture– this occurs when both the Tibia and the Fibula are fractured.

Broken and dislocated ankle recovery time


Treatment of broken shinbone:

If you truly do have a tibial fracture, this is a very severe injury. The first thing you have to do is go visit a specialist and get an x-ray, or a CT scan performed.

This is considered a very serious injury that may need surgery or, at the very least, very long-term casting.


1) Casting for a chipped shin bone:

  • Depending on the severity of your broken tibial fracture, you may need to wear this cast for at least 4 to 6 weeks.
  • If the bone is not aligned, you may need further surgery plus casting.


2) Surgery for a chipped, broken shin bone:

  • It is very rare to need to remove the chipped shinbone.
  • Surgery is called an open reduction. The internal fixation will likely need to be performed by a specialist.


Broken ankle fixation: tibia and fibula surgery
This is a patient who presented for painful hardware. The plate on the fibula was prominent and rubbing against the inside of her skin 12 years later.


3) Plates and screws vs. an external fixator:

  • If you’re shinbone breaks through the skin, a device called an external or ring fixator might be necessary.
  • Once again, this is a very significant injury at this point, and you will be hospitalized and seen by a team of specialists.


External fixation broken dislocated ankle recovery time
This is an example of an external fixator.


4) Recovery time in treatment for a chipped or broken shin bone:

  • If you truly do chip or break your shinbone, this will require a recovery time of at least 4 to 6 weeks.
  • If you have displacement shifting of the bones, you are looking at at least three months of total healing time.
  • This will involve healing the surgery and extensive physical therapy to get your joint range of motion back.
  • With an injury this severe, you may never completely regain the initial function that you did have.
  • Some patients do have long-term arthritis or chronic pain, depending on how severe and displaced injury is.


Complications of a chipped or broken shinbone:

  • These can be the complications of any broken bone. These include long-term pain, the need for surgery, and permanent disability.


Chipped shinbone summary:

  • The real key for chapter broken shinbone is to realize that you probably don’t have a break if you had a small bump or can still walk on your leg.
  • It is rare to chip or break a piece of the bone off without completely cracking through the bone and being unable to put weight on it.


The four major criteria include:

  1. Are you able to put weight on it?
  2. Do you have a deformity?
  3. Did you suffer a severe accident?
  4. Do you have black and blue bruising of your leg?


If the form of these questions leans towards the less severe side, your bone is likely not broken.

But if you can still walk and it continues to bother you, see your podiatrist or other foot and ankle specialist to make sure you have imaging performed to make 100% sure.


Ankle Joint syndesmosis rupture or tear
If the syndesmosis tears between your fibula and tibia, it can lead to ankle joint injury and instability. This is very difficult to run or walk with, and ankle joints syndesmosis rupture.


How to know for sure?

If you have pain in your Shin Bone, you probably do not have a fracture (because this requires a huge amount of force). But it may certainly be possible.

  • It is even possible to have a broken tibia with very few symptoms.
  • It is also possible to have just a bruise with severe pain.
  • It all depends on the person & how the body reacts to it!
  • The only way to know 100% sure is to see your podiatrist & get an X-ray or MRI.


Shin Bone Stress Fracture:

If you stubbed your shin on a coffee table or a door, you likely do not have a stress fracture of the shin bone.

  • These usually do not happen while stubbing your shin.
  • A tibial stress fracture gradually onsets over a period of days or weeks.
  • It is not detectable on X-ray for about 10-21 days on average.
  • If there is trauma, then it is an actual fracture, not a stress fracture.
  • A stress fracture occurs due to chronic overloading of the bone. This is usually in marathon runners.


Can I have a possible ankle fracture?

The Ottawa ankle rules are a series of 6 guidelines to determine if a bone is broken or not.

It assesses these 6 factors:

  • 1) Tibial bone pain.
  • 2) Fibular bone pain.
  • 3) Weight-bearing ankle pain.
  • 4) 5th metatarsal pain.
  • 5) Navicular pain.
  • 6) Weight-bearing foot pain.

If one of these is positive, it is more likely that you have a broken foot or ankle.


Home Treatment For Ankle Joint Rehab:

  • You should transition to a rigid ankle support brace after you are out of a cast or walking boot.
  • These are our favorite braces.
  • These stability braces are meant for when you immediately leave the immobilizing boot.


Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
The Best Overall Brace For Fit & Support.
Most Supportive Premium Brace.
Best Budge Supportive Brace.
Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support Dynamic - Ankle Compression Sleeve for Freedom of Movement - 3D AirKnit Fabric for Breathability - Premium Quality & Washable (XS, Pink)
Bauerfeind - MalleoTrain - Ankle Support Brace - Helps Stabilize the Ankle Muscles and Joints For Injury Healing and Pain Relief - Left Foot - Size 3 - Color Black
Zenith Ankle Brace, Lace Up Adjustable Support – for Running, Basketball, Injury Recovery, Sprain! Ankle Wrap for Men, Women, and Children
Price not available
Price not available
Amazing brace, best fit and support combination: If you can afford it.
This is the best brace for pure support, but it can't fit in more snug shoes.
Outstanding brace for the price point. This is a figure 8 strap with laces, soft interface.
Amazing brace. Best reviews and best fit. This is the Ferrari of braces if you can afford it.
This is a very highly rated, great reviewed brace. The support and stability is top notch for athletics. Very durable and does it's job.
Amazing reviews with proven track record. This is very soft and supportive in your shoe.
The only downside besides cost, is complexity. This brace must be left or right. Not interchangeable. It is also for post-injury situations and good support. Not for compression!
The brace may be a little too big for a more snug shoe. This requires some room to fit and would be the main complaint. Hard interface along the padding.
The main downside is the durability and the ability for the material to give out. Great at first but maybe 3-4 months of continuous use prior to failure.
Important Tips:
Make sure to choose left vs. right. This is a high level brace mean specifically for injury support. This is not for compression or non-injury situations. It will be too tight.
This is a fantastic and supportive brace. Just make sure that your shoe will have some room for it to fit. Most good running shoes should let it fit.
This is an excellent starter brace if you have never had a brace before. It is a little longer to put with the straps and laces.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
The Best Overall Brace For Fit & Support.
Bauerfeind Sports Ankle Support Dynamic - Ankle Compression Sleeve for Freedom of Movement - 3D AirKnit Fabric for Breathability - Premium Quality & Washable (XS, Pink)
Price not available
Amazing brace, best fit and support combination: If you can afford it.
Amazing brace. Best reviews and best fit. This is the Ferrari of braces if you can afford it.
The only downside besides cost, is complexity. This brace must be left or right. Not interchangeable. It is also for post-injury situations and good support. Not for compression!
Important Tips:
Make sure to choose left vs. right. This is a high level brace mean specifically for injury support. This is not for compression or non-injury situations. It will be too tight.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Compare Stores:
Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
Most Supportive Premium Brace.
Bauerfeind - MalleoTrain - Ankle Support Brace - Helps Stabilize the Ankle Muscles and Joints For Injury Healing and Pain Relief - Left Foot - Size 3 - Color Black
Price not available
This is the best brace for pure support, but it can't fit in more snug shoes.
This is a very highly rated, great reviewed brace. The support and stability is top notch for athletics. Very durable and does it's job.
The brace may be a little too big for a more snug shoe. This requires some room to fit and would be the main complaint. Hard interface along the padding.
Important Tips:
This is a fantastic and supportive brace. Just make sure that your shoe will have some room for it to fit. Most good running shoes should let it fit.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Compare Stores:
Best Ankle Stability Braces (Not for Compression):
Best Budge Supportive Brace.
Zenith Ankle Brace, Lace Up Adjustable Support – for Running, Basketball, Injury Recovery, Sprain! Ankle Wrap for Men, Women, and Children
Outstanding brace for the price point. This is a figure 8 strap with laces, soft interface.
Amazing reviews with proven track record. This is very soft and supportive in your shoe.
The main downside is the durability and the ability for the material to give out. Great at first but maybe 3-4 months of continuous use prior to failure.
Important Tips:
This is an excellent starter brace if you have never had a brace before. It is a little longer to put with the straps and laces.
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Broken Ankle Physical Therapy:


  • Physical therapy is definitely needed to optimize recovery.
  • The dangers of not having physical therapy following an ankle fracture are the lack of joint flexibility.
  • It is very easy to start walking differently to take pressure off your ankle, but the problem is that you keep walking that way even after the fracture heals.
  • In our opinion, this is the number one reason for long-term problems. The joint contractures that develop can lead to knee, hip, and back issues that last a very long time.
  • People may then need further surgery for those issues.
  • Physical therapy can usually last for 3-4 weeks, depending on injury coverage and severity of the fracture.


Ankle foot orthosis for broken ankle rehabilitation
This patient is many months postoperative from a severe ankle fracture. We did fit them with a custom ankle brace and orthotic combined into one to allow for pain-free walking and mobility.

What If I Have Pain 6+ Months Later?

  • These are compression braces that should help you long-term.
  • These are meant more for compression and fit rather than absolute stability:


Best Heel & Ankle Compression Braces:
Best Premium Brace (Support & Compression)
Budget Brace With Some Compression & Some Support.
Bauerfeind - MalleoTrain - Ankle Support Brace - Helps Stabilize the Ankle Muscles and Joints For Injury Healing and Pain Relief - Right Foot - Size 1 - Color Black
POWERLIX Ankle Orthopedic Brace Compression Support Sleeve (Pair) for Swelling, Sprain, Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis, Tendinitis
Price not available
This is The Top Level Brace - Does Compression, Support & Great Fit.
This brace attempts mild compression and mild support.
Excellent brace: Best overall mix of compression & support, and it still fits in most shoes! If you have a chronic injury and need to wear normal shoes => This is the BEST CHOICE.
Good rating at 4.3 with 2,000 reviews. It is cost effective and gives some support with some compression. Does both ok, but excellent when price is factored in.
Expensive. It doesn't do any single thing the best. There are cheaper and more supportive braces, there are cheaper and more compressive braces. But no braces combine the two and still fit in a shoe.
Does not really do anything well. Weak support and not the best compression. Meant as an assist for chronic pain and low activity. Not for an acute injury.
Important Tips:
This is a high durability brace for everyday use. If you have chronic arthritis or pain with a high need for activity, this is your brace to use! **Gel inside seems to deteriorate after daily washing at about 1 year old**
This is mean for lower activity and better fit than a true supportive brace. Don't use this for an acute sprain or injury.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Heel & Ankle Compression Braces:
Best Premium Brace (Support & Compression)
Bauerfeind - MalleoTrain - Ankle Support Brace - Helps Stabilize the Ankle Muscles and Joints For Injury Healing and Pain Relief - Right Foot - Size 1 - Color Black
Price not available
This is The Top Level Brace - Does Compression, Support & Great Fit.
Excellent brace: Best overall mix of compression & support, and it still fits in most shoes! If you have a chronic injury and need to wear normal shoes => This is the BEST CHOICE.
Expensive. It doesn't do any single thing the best. There are cheaper and more supportive braces, there are cheaper and more compressive braces. But no braces combine the two and still fit in a shoe.
Important Tips:
This is a high durability brace for everyday use. If you have chronic arthritis or pain with a high need for activity, this is your brace to use! **Gel inside seems to deteriorate after daily washing at about 1 year old**
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Heel & Ankle Compression Braces:
Budget Brace With Some Compression & Some Support.
POWERLIX Ankle Orthopedic Brace Compression Support Sleeve (Pair) for Swelling, Sprain, Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis, Tendinitis
This brace attempts mild compression and mild support.
Good rating at 4.3 with 2,000 reviews. It is cost effective and gives some support with some compression. Does both ok, but excellent when price is factored in.
Does not really do anything well. Weak support and not the best compression. Meant as an assist for chronic pain and low activity. Not for an acute injury.
Important Tips:
This is mean for lower activity and better fit than a true supportive brace. Don't use this for an acute sprain or injury.
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Pain Relief Options:

  • Consider menthol as an alternative to icing.
  • Studies have shown that the pain relief can last 2x as long.
  • This is safer than long-term NSAIDs or other pills.


Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
HEMPACTIV Joint & Muscle Relief Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe Discomfort in Your Back, Muscles, Joints, Neck, Shoulder, Knee, Nerves - 2 Fl Oz
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Best & Proven Pain Relieving Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Gel, Arthritis Pain Reliver, Knee & Lower Back Pain Relief, Sore Muscle Relief, Neck Pain Relief, Pharmacist Recommended, FSA Eligible, 3 Pack (4 FL OZ Biofreeze Menthol Gel)
Price not available
The Proven and Scientifically Published Menthol Based Gel
Scientifically proven to loosen up and relief pain up to 2x longer than Ice. Less effort than ice and great reviews. 900+ 5 star reviews on Amazon.
Don't put this on open sores or mucous membranes, it will burn! It can run out quick and doesn't prevent pain, just helps it.
Important Tips:
Menthol is the active ingredient in this and other hemp based creams. It works similar to ice, but once you apply it you can just move on rather than waiting 20 minutes. **Works great to get your through the night if you have pain sleeping**
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Roll On Version of Biofreeze Gel.
Biofreeze Pain Relief Roll-On, 3 oz. Roll-On, Fast Acting, Long Lasting, & Powerful Topical Pain Reliever, Pack of 3 (Packaging May Vary)
Same as biofreeze gel, but the roll-on is prefered by some people for their feet, less messy.
The roll-on application of this biofreeze can be easier to apply. Less overall mess.
Not as easy to spread in other areas, main difference is the roll on applicator, same solution.
Important Tips:
Roll-on method is best for the bottom of the feet. No other real advantage. Most patients like it prior to bed for easy sleeping without foot pain.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
A giant container of value size biofreeze.
Biofreeze Menthol Pain Relieving Gel 1 Gallon Bottle With Pump Topical Pain Relief For Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Backache, And Joint Pain, Original Green Formula, (Packaging May Vary)
8.1 lbs(3.67 kg) of Value Sized Biofreeze!
If you know you already love it and trust the reviews. This is a great value that lasts a long time.
A gigantic bottle that could fall over and injure you! Seriously this could be too big in some situations.
Important Tips:
If you know you love it, this stuff works all over the sore areas in your body not just your foot. I have had many people get me to order this for them in the past and LOVED IT!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Foot & Ankle Muscle/Ligament Pain Relief Products
Menthol Based Ointment with Hemp Extract
HEMPACTIV Joint & Muscle Relief Cream, Infused with Hemp, Menthol, MSM & Arnica, Soothe Discomfort in Your Back, Muscles, Joints, Neck, Shoulder, Knee, Nerves - 2 Fl Oz
This is an alternative cream: Basically Biofreeze + hemp extract.
It has great reviews, loved by the all natural crowd. 100s of 5 star reviews with a near perfect rating.
Basically looks like menthol(active Biofreeze ingredient), but with hemp extract SKYROCKETING the price.
Important Tips:
The hemp extract is almost nothing and likely a marketing gimmick. It's basically Biofreeze with some hemp extract raising the price.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Get Great Shoes:

  • Getting a great supportive pair of shoes will ensure that there is pressure removed from your ankle and foot long-term.
  • This is especially important if you are flat-footed and your foot starts to turn outward against the shoe’s lateral aspect.
  • Consider shoes combined with a good supportive orthotic for best pain relief!
  • The following link will show you what our favorites are.


Best Podiatrist Recommended Shoes




Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you chip your shin bone?

Yes, it is possible to chip your shin bone. Luckily this is very unlikely to cause long-term problems in most cases.

If you think you might have broken your shin bone, call your podiatrist to evaluate an X-ray and possibly an MRI.