Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems:
Gout in Big Toe, Foot, Ankle or Knee [Causes & Best Treatment]
Gout is common in the big toe, but gout attacks happen in the foot, ankle or knee. Make sure you doing the 100% best treatments NOW!
Table of Contents
Immediate Gout Pain Relief:
These medications can help with pain relief, although there are no guarantees for immediate pain relief.

Where Can You Get Gout:
- Gout is most common in the big toe joint, but it can also happen in the foot, ankle and knee.
- Almost all gout attacks that we see present in the big toe or smaller toes.
- Very rarely do you get gout in the foot, ankle or knee unless you are a chronic gout sufferer.
Places whey you can get gout:
- Gout in the big toe joint – almost all gout attacks happen in the big toe joint, it can almost even be rare to get it anywhere else unless you get frequent attacks.
- Gout in the toe – smaller toes are the second most common spot for gout.
- Gout in the knee.
- Gout in the ankle.
- Gout in the foot.
- Alcohol can definitely trigger gout attacks.
- Coffee and Gout are definitely related.
- Certain foods can also trigger gout attacks.
- Foods that trigger gout attacks are usually high meat, high protein, turkey dinners, alcohol related meals. This can also be correlated to hot weather and swimming.
- Usually these gout attacks happen for people who have had gout attacks before.
- Again It should be noted that this is probably not gout if you have never had an attack before. Almost every time it is a different cause of pain like arthritis or overuse soft tissue injuries.
- Peripheral neuropathy is also a common cause we see, but this is more numbness burning tingling and throbbing that is felt most at night.
Symptoms of Gout Attack in Big Toe:
- Most of the time people have a gout attack is can start during the night before you wake up in the morning.
- This can usually happens after a night of dehydration, eating lots of meat or barbecue the night before.
- When you wake up this can cause severe 10/10 pain in the morning.
- This can last 1-2 days on average.
- With more frequent attacks, this can cause arthritis and bone deformity.
Specific Symptoms include:
- Burning,
- Itching,
- Numbness,
- Tingling.
- It eventually becomes red hot, swelling with severe pain to the foot.
- This pain usually feels severe and happens almost over night.
How Do You Get Gout?
- Gout is the buildup of a chemical structure called uric acid.
- It is a break down product of the DNA that you eat in meat and other foods.
- Some people can’t break gout down chemically – this is a genetic defect.
- Other people can’t excrete it out quickly enough in their urine as they get older and their kidneys stop working as well.
- The main thing is your get a buildup of something called uric acid. You either produce too much of it or you can’t pee it out fast enough.
Is Gout A Form of Arthritis?
Yes gout is a form of arthritis. It can even get really bad and cause tophaceous gout and gouty tophi.
- It is referred to as gouty arthritis, tophaceous gout or even gouty tophi within the joint.
- Uric acid crystals can build up and deposit into your big toe joint.
- These uric acid crystals develop something called tophaceous gout and gouty tophi.
- Tophaceous gout and gouty tophi are white crystals that can even burst through your skin.
- These crystals at their worst can almost look like cottage cheese or drainage from the big toe joint or through the skin.
How to Test For Gout:
There are many ways to test for gout:
Uric Acid Level:
- High uric acid can definitely increase the chances of gout. But high uric acid does not guarantee gout.
- Elevated uric acid also may not be seen when the test is performed, the uric acid levels rise the most before an attack and not after an attack.
- This is not the most reliable test.
- There are better tests for gout than uric acid levels.
Gout Crystal Sampling:
- The best way to confirm gout is to test the gout crystal.
- Our pathology team will take a look at the gout crystals and make sure it is not anything else.
- If you have gout crystals, this basically 100% confirms that this is gout.
- Gout crystal sampling is the single best way to confirm gout.
Keys for when you get your gout flare:
1)Most important step:
- Let your podiatrist know or see a podiatrist to confirm you actually have gout.
- “If you have not had gout before, odds are this is not gout!”
2)Have your podiatrist get you a medication to have sitting available for when a flare up comes.
- These flare-ups hit hard and fast, make sure you have something to make them feel better!
3)With an oral steroid or a colchicine based medication, this should start really improving within 24 hours.
- These are not long term medications but can really help short term.
- Check with your doctor before using any medication.
4)Backup treatments include icing, elevating, resting and hydrating really well.
Foods that trigger gout:
Coffee and gout:
- These two are definitely related. Coffee will cause you to get dehydrated, this can cause you to have a higher ratio of uric acid crystals to water.
- Coffee combined with risky foods is a bad gout attack combination.
- Make sure to cut down on coffee or at least hydrate properly if this is causing you to get gout attacks in the big toe.
Alcohol and Gout:
- Alcohol is probably the worst offender of gout. It causes high purine food turnover and dehydration at the same time.
- Most people also drink alcohol while eating high purine foods like meats and shellfish.
- Hydration is usually not accomplished during a night of drinking as well.
- If you have serious problems with gout, avoid alcohol!
Purine foods that induce gouty arthritis:
Purine foods can induce gouty arthritis that are very common include:
1)The most high purine foods are certain meats , shellfish and alcohol.
- Alcohol is the most common high purine food. This both dehydrates you and increases purine levels in your body.
- Avoiding alcohol prevents alcohol gout symptoms and is the single biggest cause.
- If you are having constant and chronic gout, stop living with gout, stop your alcohol intake and this will make the single biggest difference.
- Certain fish are high purine foods: these includ trout, cod, haddock, sardines, herring, mussells and anchovies.
- Bacon, veal, venison, liver and turkey are also very high purine foods.
2)Moderate purine foods that induce gouty arthritis:
- Gouty arthritis can also be induced by the following foods, but to a lesser importance than those above.
- Meats including ham, por, duck, chicken and beef.
- Shellfish including shrimp, oysters, lobster and crab.
3)All foods beyond those above are purine foods that induce gouty arthritis:
- It is impossible to avoid all purine foods. The best you can do is limit your alcohols.
- All alcohol can induce gout: these are wine, spirits and beer. All are equally bad.
- The best alternative to avoiding almost all foods is getting as in shape as possible: cut down on your obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, poor aerobic conditioning and immobility. Living with gout is not something that you need to do.
Can Gout Be Cured?
- The question “Can gout be cured?” is a confusing question to answer. Gout is not so much as disease but a result of a certain lifestyle combined with genetics.
- It is frequently called the “disease of kings”: because it is caused by high levels of alcohol, dehydration, obesity, poor cardiovascular healthy and numerous other potentially self induced conditions.
- There are some types of gout that are genetic, but mainly these are the result of high purine foods and life style.
- It is definitely possible to change your lifestyle and decrease or stop your gout attacks completely.
Living with Gout is not permanent!
Living with gout is not something you need to do for the rest of your life:
- While it is true that some people have genetic and kidney issues that make it more difficult to excrete uric acid, this is not something that is permanent.
- There are medications such as allopurinol available to help with you excrete more uric acid, as well as many more new medications coming out.
- The overall key to getting rid of gout is to get as healthy as possible.
- Control your metabolic conditions as much as you can: the 1st step to almost any health problem is controlling your weight and overall cardiovascular health.
- We have seen many patient’s lose weight and over time all over their medical conditions can start to improve. This is the single most important thing you can do to get your gout under control.
- The second best thing to do is to be aware of gout triggers like high purine foods in your system. This can also make a huge difference.
Gout Prevention:
Gout prevention is best achieved by: Limit your purine diet and stay well hydrated!
Use cold/ice:
Make sure you wrap it up in something, because the ice itself will make things hurt quite a bit.
Keep the joint elevated and the swelling and pain should feel slightly better.
Hydrate and drink a ton of water:
Drinking water will help flush the gout away eventually, but again this is something that may take days or weeks in a more severe attack.
Good diet control:
Limit alcohol and dehydration if you have had gout attacks in the past, this can really help.
Big Toe Gout Attack Treatment:
The first thing to remember is that most of the time that we see gout, its not actually gout.
- The best way to know that what you have gout is that you have had gout before once or twice.
- If this is your first ever attack of gout attack and you have never had one before, then there is a good chance that what you are feeling is possibly not gout.
- The first and most important step is to see your podiatrist and confirm that this is actually a gout attack in your foot, ankle or knee.
Best Gout Home Treatment:
- The best treatment is first knowing that you have gout for sure. We cannot stress how often patients come in convinced that they have gout, but rarely it is gout UNLESS you have had it in the past and know that this is what it is.
- The second best treatment is to have seen your podiatrists for your first attack.
- The majority of our patient’s have medications available that they take at the first signs of attack.
- Gout attacks are brutally painful. We are talking true 10/10 crippling pain where you can’t get out of bed.
- This is not something you want to mess around with just anti-inflammatories and icing, if this stuff works great, then odds are it may not even be a gout attack or you have some numbness to your feet already.
- Most gout attacks we have seen require urgent immediate treatment with either colcrys or an oral steroid. If it is a more mild attack then a strong anti-inflammatory and ice might do it.
- Injecting the big toe joint might be an option, but I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. This is a terribly painful pain.
- Severe pain gout attack
- Our preferred medications are a colchicine based medication called colcrys, this can work great.
- If this is not working and the pain is severe, something strong like an oral steroid may even be indicated.
- There are many maintenance medications such as allopurinol which is the most common, but this won’t do anything for you on the day of the flare-up, this is more to preven the fare-up.
There are more long term medications
Best Gout Supplements:
- Use these at your own risk, but they do have great reviews!
- The studies are not definitive on supplements, but people are very loyal to these.
- Read the reviews on Amazon and give them a try.
- Just make sure to check with your podiatrist before taking any medications!

Control Inflammation:
- The best options are to see your podiatrist.
- Gout is best served with good medications like colchicine or even oral steroids.
- But make sure your doctor evaluates your gout and makes sure that is what it is!
- Consider the following options at your own risk!
- Motrin, Ibuprofen or even indomethacin can work great.
- If you know a podiatrist, have them send you an oral steroid if possible.
- Make sure you see your podiatrist first before taking medications!
Elevate your foot:
- The more you can elevate your foot, the less blood flow will rush to the site.
- This should really help reduce the pain.
Massage & Ice Products:
- Icing can be done at home almost immediately.
- Get yourself a cloth and use it around a frozen bag of peas or ice.
- Apply this for your foot 20 minutes at a time.

Menthol Based Gels:
- Biofreeze is one of our favorites.
- These gels have been studied to work 2x as long as ice.

Wait it out:
- Take it easy that day, generally doing these things for 1-2 days will start to feel better.
- Go see you podiatrist as soon as possible for steroids or Indomethacin if possible.
- Make sure it’s not a different problem as well!
Big Toe Joint, Hammer Toe & Bunionette Problems: