Best Shoes & Best Insoles

Best Shoes for Top of Foot Pain [Podiatrist Recommended Shoes]

Do you have top of foot pain? We go over the PODIATRIST recommended BEST running and walking shoes for the top of the foot pain!


  • Do you have top-of-the-foot pain, midfoot arthritis, or a high arch foot?
  • We go over the best shoes for the top of the foot pain.
  • We also go over the best orthotics for the top of the foot pain!

So let’s GO!

Top of the Foot Pain Causes:

Before getting the best shoes for the top of the foot pain, we should learn the causes of the pain!

The most common causes of top of the foot pain are:

  • Mid-foot arthritis.
  • A mid-foot sprain.
  • Nerve pain.
  • Flat foot pain.
  • Metatarsal stress fractures.
  • Bone spurs to the big toe and first metatarsal joint.
dorsal foot pain treatment

Top of the Foot Pain Picture Gallery:

The most common causes of top of the foot pain:

So, let’s look at the PICTURES!

Top of the Foot Pain Treatment:

In the above video, we go over the best top of the foot pain treatment options, including:

  • Top of the foot pain exercises.
  • Top of the foot pain stretches.
  • Top of the foot pain relief.
  • The best shoes for the top of the foot pain.
  • The best orthotics for the top of the foot pain.

See your podiatrist for a biomechanical gait analysis.

If you are in Michigan, we would love to see you and get you feeling better!

Podiatrist Recommended Shoes for Top of the Foot Pain
For younger people they might be able to get away with a more minimalist shoe, but with more midfoot arthritis and top of the foot pain a more stable and cushioned shoe may be necessary.

Change your Laces:

  • One of the best tips for top-of-the-foot pain relief is changing your laces.
  • We go over this in the video above, which we highly recommend watching.
  • One of the best modifications you can make to your shoes is skipping the holes in the shoe, which may be pressing against the top of your foot and causing pain.

Best Walking Shoes for the top of the foot pain:

The best components of a walking shoe for the top of the foot pain are:

  • A deep heel cup in the 10-12mm range. 
  • A heel-to-toe lift in the 8-12mm range.
  • A strong and soft midsole.
  • A stronger rocker bottom to take pressure off of the midfoot.

The best men’s walking shoes for the top of the foot pain:

We go over our favorite podiatrist-recommended men’s walking shoes for the top of the foot pain in this list.

Best Men’s Running Shoes:
The Original Best Rated Maximalist Shoe!
Great Maximalist Shoe From Brooks, Big Cushioned Shoe!
Great maximalist shoe from Altra that is zero drop!
My favorite overall walking or running shoe!
Brooks GTS 22
HOKA Women's Sneaker Running Shoe
Brooks Men’s Revel
Altra Footwear Olympus 3.5
Brooks Men's Ghost 13 Running Shoe - Primer Grey/Pearl/Black - 11.5 Medium
Brooks Men's Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe - Black/Black/Ebony - 10.5 Medium
HOKA Women’s Sneaker Running Shoe
Brooks Men’s Revel
Altra Footwear Olympus 3.5
Brooks Men’s Ghost 13 Running Shoe – Primer Grey/Pearl/Black – 11.5 Medium
Brooks Men’s Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe – Black/Black/Ebony – 10.5 Medium
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Price not available
$150+ price range (Don’t go a ton over this please): The original maximalist shoe.
$120+ Price range is better than the Hoka Shoes, Brooks is an excellent brand.
Price range of $150+, great alternative for runners and walkers that want to stretch their Achilles tendon.
The Brooks Ghost is a great overall reliable shoe.
This means Brooks “Go To Support”, this is the supportive version of the ghost shoe
4.6/5 rating of over 450+ ratings. Maximal foot cushioning.
4.6/5 rating with >1,000+ ratings! Excellent overall track record and great supportive shoe.
Great overall shoe 4.4/5 with 100+ reviews.
This is a shoe that works great for just about anyone, minimal risk.
This is a much more supportive version of the ghost shoe. This is a great overall shoe for flat feet and overpronation.
These cushion the foot but the legs still need to compensate.
Big shoe and not for everyone. Bigger people with more foot problems like these the most.
Some less flexible people will not get used to this shoe as quickly, but if you can handle it- then it will stretch your Achilles tendon.
Generally over 125$, which can scare some people off.
This can take a little bit of adjustment to get used to.
Crucial Tips:
They are big, effective and bulky!
If you are a big guy, these shoe might be for you! Great shoes for people with foot pain that can handle activity in the knees, hips and lower back.
This is a zero drop shoe meaning stretching your Achilles tendon. May help to have good orthotics.
My personal favorite shoe and the one I wear on most days!
Take a few days to break in this shoe for best results!
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Best Men’s Running Shoes:
The Original Best Rated Maximalist Shoe!
HOKA Women's Sneaker Running Shoe
HOKA Women’s Sneaker Running Shoe
Price not available
$150+ price range (Don’t go a ton over this please): The original maximalist shoe.
4.6/5 rating of over 450+ ratings. Maximal foot cushioning.
These cushion the foot but the legs still need to compensate.
Crucial Tips:
They are big, effective and bulky!
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Best Men’s Running Shoes:
Great Maximalist Shoe From Brooks, Big Cushioned Shoe!
Brooks Men’s Revel
Brooks Men’s Revel
Price not available
$120+ Price range is better than the Hoka Shoes, Brooks is an excellent brand.
4.6/5 rating with >1,000+ ratings! Excellent overall track record and great supportive shoe.
Big shoe and not for everyone. Bigger people with more foot problems like these the most.
Crucial Tips:
If you are a big guy, these shoe might be for you! Great shoes for people with foot pain that can handle activity in the knees, hips and lower back.
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Best Men’s Running Shoes:
Great maximalist shoe from Altra that is zero drop!
Altra Footwear Olympus 3.5
Altra Footwear Olympus 3.5
Price not available
Price range of $150+, great alternative for runners and walkers that want to stretch their Achilles tendon.
Great overall shoe 4.4/5 with 100+ reviews.
Some less flexible people will not get used to this shoe as quickly, but if you can handle it- then it will stretch your Achilles tendon.
Crucial Tips:
This is a zero drop shoe meaning stretching your Achilles tendon. May help to have good orthotics.
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Best Men’s Running Shoes:
My favorite overall walking or running shoe!
Brooks Men's Ghost 13 Running Shoe - Primer Grey/Pearl/Black - 11.5 Medium
Brooks Men’s Ghost 13 Running Shoe – Primer Grey/Pearl/Black – 11.5 Medium
Price not available
The Brooks Ghost is a great overall reliable shoe.
This is a shoe that works great for just about anyone, minimal risk.
Generally over 125$, which can scare some people off.
Crucial Tips:
My personal favorite shoe and the one I wear on most days!
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Best Men’s Running Shoes:
Brooks GTS 22
Brooks Men's Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe - Black/Black/Ebony - 10.5 Medium
Brooks Men’s Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe – Black/Black/Ebony – 10.5 Medium
Price not available
This means Brooks “Go To Support”, this is the supportive version of the ghost shoe
This is a much more supportive version of the ghost shoe. This is a great overall shoe for flat feet and overpronation.
This can take a little bit of adjustment to get used to.
Crucial Tips:
Take a few days to break in this shoe for best results!
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The best women’s walking shoes for top of the foot pain:

These are our podiatrist recommended best women’s walking shoes for top of the foot pain!

Best Women’s Running Shoes:
Great Maximalist Shoe From Brooks
Great Zero Drop Maximalist Shoe
Brooks Ghost: Best overall women’s neutral shoe.
Brooks GTS: Best Women’s Supportive Shoe
Brooks Womens Ariel '18
ALTRA Women's ALW1959F Olympus 3.5 Trail Running Shoe, Blue/Green - 5.5 M US
Brooks Women's Ghost 13 Running Shoe - Light Blue/Blackened Pearl/White - 9.5 Medium
Brooks Women's Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe - Grey/Rose/Black - 8 Medium
Brooks Womens Ariel ’18
ALTRA Women’s ALW1959F Olympus 3.5 Trail Running Shoe, Blue/Green – 5.5 M US
Brooks Women’s Ghost 13 Running Shoe – Light Blue/Blackened Pearl/White – 9.5 Medium
Brooks Women’s Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe – Grey/Rose/Black – 8 Medium
Price not available
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$120+ Price range is better than the Hoka Shoes.
Great price <$100 for a maximalist shoe. This is a zero drop shoe meaning it will stretch your Achilles tendon.
This is my favorite overall women’s running shoe.
Like the Brook’s Ghost but more supportive.
Excellent shoe with great reviews: 4.5/5 with 400+ reviews. Great maximalist shoe.
Great cost and great reviews for a maximalist shoes: 4.4/5 with 500+ reviews. Great overall shoe.
It is great for most people. It will work great for most foot types.
Great value for flat feet that require support.
These can be heavy. They can make the leg muscles work harder.
Not as heavy duty as the other two heavy duty arch support shoes.
For some people it can be a high price point, but we think it is well worth it.
This is one of Brook’s best rated and most supportive shoes, this can be very helpful.
Crucial Tips:
Great shoes for people with foot pain that can handle activity in the knees, hips and lower back.
This is a zero drop shoe meaning it will stretch your Achilles tendon more than the other shoes.
If this is your first shoe, it may be worth trying on in person first.
Try these on at the store first, they might need a break in period
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Best Women’s Running Shoes:
Great Maximalist Shoe From Brooks
Brooks Womens Ariel '18
Brooks Womens Ariel ’18
Price not available
$120+ Price range is better than the Hoka Shoes.
Excellent shoe with great reviews: 4.5/5 with 400+ reviews. Great maximalist shoe.
These can be heavy. They can make the leg muscles work harder.
Crucial Tips:
Great shoes for people with foot pain that can handle activity in the knees, hips and lower back.
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Best Women’s Running Shoes:
Great Zero Drop Maximalist Shoe
ALTRA Women's ALW1959F Olympus 3.5 Trail Running Shoe, Blue/Green - 5.5 M US
ALTRA Women’s ALW1959F Olympus 3.5 Trail Running Shoe, Blue/Green – 5.5 M US
Price not available
Great price <$100 for a maximalist shoe. This is a zero drop shoe meaning it will stretch your Achilles tendon.
Great cost and great reviews for a maximalist shoes: 4.4/5 with 500+ reviews. Great overall shoe.
Not as heavy duty as the other two heavy duty arch support shoes.
Crucial Tips:
This is a zero drop shoe meaning it will stretch your Achilles tendon more than the other shoes.
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Best Women’s Running Shoes:
Brooks Ghost: Best overall women’s neutral shoe.
Brooks Women's Ghost 13 Running Shoe - Light Blue/Blackened Pearl/White - 9.5 Medium
Brooks Women’s Ghost 13 Running Shoe – Light Blue/Blackened Pearl/White – 9.5 Medium
Price not available
This is my favorite overall women’s running shoe.
It is great for most people. It will work great for most foot types.
For some people it can be a high price point, but we think it is well worth it.
Crucial Tips:
If this is your first shoe, it may be worth trying on in person first.
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Best Women’s Running Shoes:
Brooks GTS: Best Women’s Supportive Shoe
Brooks Women's Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe - Grey/Rose/Black - 8 Medium
Brooks Women’s Adrenaline GTS 22 Supportive Running Shoe – Grey/Rose/Black – 8 Medium
Price not available
Like the Brook’s Ghost but more supportive.
Great value for flat feet that require support.
This is one of Brook’s best rated and most supportive shoes, this can be very helpful.
Crucial Tips:
Try these on at the store first, they might need a break in period
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The best running shoes for the top of the foot pain:

The podiatrist recommended that the best running shoes for the top of the foot pain are a little more sleek and athletic than the walking shoes.

  • This may include a little less weight to the shoe.
  • We still want to see features like a deep heel cup combined with the orthotics around 10-16mm.
  • We want to see a slight heel-to-toe lift in the 10-12 mm range.
  • We want a stiffer back to the shoe.
  • We want a stiffer midsole with more cushion.

The best men’s running shoes for the top of the foot pain:

Here we go over the podiatrist’s recommended best men’s running shoes for the top of the foot pain.

Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Overall Racing Shoe
Solid & Cost Effective Racing Shoe
Best Shoe for Older or Bigger Men
Best Nike Trail Running Shoe
Lower Cost Version of the Premier Nike Running Shoes
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
adidas Men's Adizero Boston 8 Running Shoe, Black/White/Grey, 6.5 M US
Nike Men's Air Zoom Pegasus 35 Running Shoes (9.5 D US, Black/White/Gunsmoke/Oil Grey)
Nike Men's Running Shoes, Black Black White Thunder Grey 002, 8.5 UK
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Price not available
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Price not available
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
adidas Men’s Adizero Boston 8 Running Shoe, Black/White/Grey, 6.5 M US
Nike Men’s Air Zoom Pegasus 35 Running Shoes (9.5 D US, Black/White/Gunsmoke/Oil Grey)
Nike Men’s Running Shoes, Black Black White Thunder Grey 002, 8.5 UK
Price Range: $250+! These are the best reviewed and hottest shoes on the market. Marathoners are setting records with these. The downside is they are VERY expensive and can only last on shoes. DO not wear these outside of good road conditions or they will break down FAST!
Price Range: $69+ This was a shoe that previous records were set in. This is a more durable and minimal overall running shoe. It is more of a lightweight minimal shoe. It is build for speed and not durability.
Price Range: $130+ This is about the maximum amount of cushion you can get in a running shoe. This is better reserved for bigger or more arthritic runners. Like the other shoes it is not durability focused!
Price Range: $130+ High level racing trail shoe. This is not specifically built for durability. It is more of a racing shoe for offroad conditions. Like all of these racing shoes they are not the most durable!
Price Range: $120+ These are meant only for race day! These can help tremendously with speed, but durability wise they will break down over time quicker than other types of shoes.
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Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Overall Racing Shoe
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
Price not available
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
Price Range: $250+! These are the best reviewed and hottest shoes on the market. Marathoners are setting records with these. The downside is they are VERY expensive and can only last on shoes. DO not wear these outside of good road conditions or they will break down FAST!
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Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Solid & Cost Effective Racing Shoe
adidas Men's Adizero Boston 8 Running Shoe, Black/White/Grey, 6.5 M US
Price not available
adidas Men’s Adizero Boston 8 Running Shoe, Black/White/Grey, 6.5 M US
Price Range: $69+ This was a shoe that previous records were set in. This is a more durable and minimal overall running shoe. It is more of a lightweight minimal shoe. It is build for speed and not durability.
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Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Shoe for Older or Bigger Men
Price not available
Price Range: $130+ This is about the maximum amount of cushion you can get in a running shoe. This is better reserved for bigger or more arthritic runners. Like the other shoes it is not durability focused!
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Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Nike Trail Running Shoe
Nike Men's Air Zoom Pegasus 35 Running Shoes (9.5 D US, Black/White/Gunsmoke/Oil Grey)
Price not available
Nike Men’s Air Zoom Pegasus 35 Running Shoes (9.5 D US, Black/White/Gunsmoke/Oil Grey)
Price Range: $130+ High level racing trail shoe. This is not specifically built for durability. It is more of a racing shoe for offroad conditions. Like all of these racing shoes they are not the most durable!
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Best Men’s Racing Running Shoes
Lower Cost Version of the Premier Nike Running Shoes
Nike Men's Running Shoes, Black Black White Thunder Grey 002, 8.5 UK
Price not available
Nike Men’s Running Shoes, Black Black White Thunder Grey 002, 8.5 UK
Price Range: $120+ These are meant only for race day! These can help tremendously with speed, but durability wise they will break down over time quicker than other types of shoes.
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The best women’s running shoes for top of the foot pain.

Here we go over the podiatrist recommended best women’s running shoes for top of the foot pain.

Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
Solid & Cost Effective Women’s Racing Shoe
High End Women’s Racing Shoe
Great Shoe For Arthritis & Increased Height/Weight.
Best Women’s Nike Trail Running Shoe
Best Lightweight (non-$250+) Mesh Running Shoe.
On Cloud Cloth Sneaker
adidas Women's Adizero Adios 4 Running Shoe
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
HOKA ONE ONE Women's Clifton 6 Running Shoes, Antigua Sand/Wan Blue, 5 US
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36 Trail Women's Running Shoe Cargo Khaki/Team Gold-Black-Ocean Cube Size 6.0
on Running Womens Cloud X Road Shoes Red/Flash SZ 5
On Women's Cloud Terry Sneakers, Silver, 7 Medium US
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Price not available
Price not available
Price not available
Price not available
Price not available
adidas Women’s Adizero Adios 4 Running Shoe
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
HOKA ONE ONE Women’s Clifton 6 Running Shoes, Antigua Sand/Wan Blue, 5 US
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36 Trail Women’s Running Shoe Cargo Khaki/Team Gold-Black-Ocean Cube Size 6.0
on Running Womens Cloud X Road Shoes Red/Flash SZ 5
On Women’s Cloud Terry Sneakers, Silver, 7 Medium US
Price Range: $69+ This was a shoe that previous records were set in. This is a more durable and minimal overall running shoe. It is more of a lightweight minimal shoe. It is build for speed and not durability.
Price Range: $175+! These are great reviewed and one of the hottest shoes on the market.
Price Range: $130+ This is about the maximum amount of cushion you can get in a running shoe. This is better reserved for bigger or more arthritic runners. Like the other shoes it is not durability focused!
Price Range: $130+ High level racing trail shoe. This is not specifically built for durability. It is more of a racing shoe for offroad conditions. Like all of these racing shoes they are not the most durable!
Price Range: $130+. The people who use these swear by them! A very unique light feel. Like the other lightweight ones, these are built for speed not durability!
Very comfortable cloth sneaker. Very lightweight and comfortable!
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Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
Solid & Cost Effective Women’s Racing Shoe
adidas Women's Adizero Adios 4 Running Shoe
Price not available
adidas Women’s Adizero Adios 4 Running Shoe
Price Range: $69+ This was a shoe that previous records were set in. This is a more durable and minimal overall running shoe. It is more of a lightweight minimal shoe. It is build for speed and not durability.
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Zappos, Walmart & Other Possibly Cheaper Options (Affiliate Link):
Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
High End Women’s Racing Shoe
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
Price not available
Nike Zoomx Vaporfly Next% Men Running Shoess Ao4568-600 Size 12
Price Range: $175+! These are great reviewed and one of the hottest shoes on the market.
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Zappos, Walmart & Other Possibly Cheaper Options (Affiliate Link):
Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
Great Shoe For Arthritis & Increased Height/Weight.
HOKA ONE ONE Women's Clifton 6 Running Shoes, Antigua Sand/Wan Blue, 5 US
Price not available
HOKA ONE ONE Women’s Clifton 6 Running Shoes, Antigua Sand/Wan Blue, 5 US
Price Range: $130+ This is about the maximum amount of cushion you can get in a running shoe. This is better reserved for bigger or more arthritic runners. Like the other shoes it is not durability focused!
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Zappos, Walmart & Other Possibly Cheaper Options (Affiliate Link):
Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Women’s Nike Trail Running Shoe
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36 Trail Women's Running Shoe Cargo Khaki/Team Gold-Black-Ocean Cube Size 6.0
Price not available
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 36 Trail Women’s Running Shoe Cargo Khaki/Team Gold-Black-Ocean Cube Size 6.0
Price Range: $130+ High level racing trail shoe. This is not specifically built for durability. It is more of a racing shoe for offroad conditions. Like all of these racing shoes they are not the most durable!
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Zappos, Walmart & Other Possibly Cheaper Options (Affiliate Link):
Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
Best Lightweight (non-$250+) Mesh Running Shoe.
on Running Womens Cloud X Road Shoes Red/Flash SZ 5
Price not available
on Running Womens Cloud X Road Shoes Red/Flash SZ 5
Price Range: $130+. The people who use these swear by them! A very unique light feel. Like the other lightweight ones, these are built for speed not durability!
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Best Women’s Racing Running Shoes
On Cloud Cloth Sneaker
On Women's Cloud Terry Sneakers, Silver, 7 Medium US
Price not available
On Women’s Cloud Terry Sneakers, Silver, 7 Medium US
Very comfortable cloth sneaker. Very lightweight and comfortable!
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The Best Orthotics for Top of the Foot Pain:

Here we go over our favorite orthotics for top of the foot pain.

In a perfect world all of the shoes listed above would have a good supportive shoe insole for top of the foot pain:

Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Women’s Orthotics
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation and Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Price not available
Price not available
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
Great Support & Better Fit
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation and Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
Price not available
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Crucial Tips:
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Price not available
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
Crucial Tips:
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
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Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Women’s Orthotics
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Great Support & Better Fit
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
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Best Shoes & Best Insoles