Ball of the Foot Pain

Best Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma [Best Running Shoes & Walking Shoes]

Do you have Morton’s Neuroma Pain? We go over the Best Running Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma & The Best Walking Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma!

Look, we show:

  • The best running shoes for Morton’s neuroma.
  • The best walking shoes for Morton’s neuroma.
  • The best shoes for Morton’s neuroma pain.

So Let’s GO!

Best Running Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) says there are 3 main types of feet to consider when choosing a shoe.

A high arch foot:

  • A high arched foot is also known as a supinated foot. This means that there is less shock absorption.
  • As a result, the best shoes for a high arched foot are flexible through the midsole and are soft and well-cushioned.

A flat foot:

  • A flat foot is also known as a foot undergoing overpronation. Overpronation means that the foot is stretching out through the plantar fascia and the posterior tibial tendon.
  • A flat foot shoe provides support and balance for the flat foot.

A neutral foot:

  • A neutral foot is in between a flat foot and a high arch foot.
  • This would benefit from both cushion and support.
best shoes for morton's neuroma pain
A flat foot (overpronation foot) is on the left. A neutral foot is in the center and the high arch or supinated foot is on the right.

Causes of Ball of the Foot Pain:

  • There are other ball of the foot pain causes besides Morton’s Neuroma.
  • These are some other common causes that we see as well!
Metatarsalgia, Morton's neuroma, 2nd toe capsulitis, plantar plate

Ball of the Foot Pain Pictures & Photo Gallery:


  • Metatarsalgia: which means generalized foot pain without a specific cause.
  • Second toe capsulitis: this is the inflammation of the second toe joint capsule.
  • Capsulitis is related to hammertoe formation, and can lead to a plantar plate tear. There is some overlap between these three disorders. As they get worse tearing and ligament damage can occur.
  • Morton’s neuroma: this is the damage and inflammation to the nerves between and underneath the metatarsal joints.
  • Fat pad atrophy of the ball of the foot: this is the loss of cushioning in the ball the foot.
  • Plantar Plate Tear: A plantar plate tear is ripping of the ligaments holding the toe together. 

So, click on the photo gallery to see the specific causes of your ball of the foot pain!

What Are The Best Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma?

The following link will show our favorite podiatrist recommended shoes. Here we go over the best walking shoes, the best running shoes, the best slippers, and sandals!

Follow below for the best shoes for Morton’s Neuroma.

Click the podiatrist recommended shoe link for more.

best running shoes for morton's neuroma

Best Women’s Walking Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

These are our best walking women’s shoes for Morton’s neuroma.

Follow this link for the best women’s shoes.

Best Men’s Walking Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

These are our best walking men’s shoes for Morton’s neuroma.

Follow this link for the best men’s shoes.

Best Running Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

The following are our favorite running shoes for Morton’s Neuroma.

best walking shoes for morton's neuroma

Best Men’s Running Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

These are our best running men’s shoes for Morton’s neuroma.

Follow this link for the best men’s running shoes.

Best Women’s Running Shoes for Morton’s Neuroma:

These are our best running women’s shoes for Morton’s neuroma.

Follow this link for the best women’s running shoes.

The Best Orthotics for Morton’s Neuroma:

We show our best orthotics for Morton’s neuroma pain below.

  • Ideally, you would follow with your podiatrist, and insurance would cover custom orthotics.
  • We personally loving making these types of custom orthotics and think these give us really good results.
  • Our custom orthotics focus on a metatarsal lift and padding. This is combined with a more aggressive arch and deep heel cup.

If this is not possible, then we prefer over the counter orthotics for Morton’s neuroma.

Best Orthotics for overpronation

Over the counter orthotics for Morton’s neuroma:

The following is our best over the counter orthotics for Morton’s neuroma!

Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
Best Women’s Orthotics
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation and Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Price not available
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
Great Support & Better Fit
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Overall Orthotic For Everything (Medium Thick Fit)
PowerStep Original Insoles - Arch Pain Relief Orthotics for Tight Shoes - Foot Support for Plantar Fasciitis, Mild Pronation and Foot & Arch Pain - Shoe Inserts for All (M 8-8.5, F 10-10.5)
These work best in shoes with laces and running shoes. Not good for dress shoes or women’s cute shoes.
Pretty much guaranteed to help you if it fits in your shoes and you give it 2 weeks to get used to. 5,000+ amazon reviews, great track record.
Do not wear these in cute or dress shoes!
Crucial Tips:
Ease in to these, 1-2hrs a day. They are like braces for your teeth, they suck at the beginning! But they will make your feet pain free as 1-2 weeks go by. Don’t give up on them after 1 or 2 days. Everyone feels off at the beginning!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Heavy Duty Orthotic (Thickest Fit)
PowerStep Pinnacle Maxx Orthotic Insoles - Orthotics for Overpronation with Maximum Stability & Comfort - Firm + Flexible Angled Heel Style to Help Flat Feet - Heavy Duty Inserts (M 10-10.5, F 12)
Biggest and most corrective option. Only use for running shoes or work boots. Not cute shoes.
My personal favorite, but not for everyone. Amazing reviews over 3,500. But not for everyone. Only for bigger shoes that can fit them
Bigger and bulkier than all the other ones. You will be dissappointed if you have a cute women’s shoe or dress shoe. This is meant for running shoes and boots.
Crucial Tips:
This has the most correction, but hardest break in time! IF SENSITIVE, USE A SOFTER PAIR FIRST! But if you get these, you must break them in. Give it 1-2 hours a day, but then you will start to have excellent results. The bad reviews are all people who couldn’t fit it into their shoes and gave up too quickly. You have been WARNED!
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best SOFTER Choice For Sensitive Feet (Medium Thick Fit)
220+ lbs Plantar Fasciitis High Arch Support Insoles Men Women - Flat Feet Orthotic Inserts Standing All Day - Work Boot Shoe Insoles - Shoe Sole Flat Foot Heavy Men
Price not available
These are full length inserts, but softer. Great if you can’t tolerate the firmer ones. Best for very sore and sensitive feet.
They are softer and the initial break in time is AMAZING. But longer term benefits are less. >500 Almost 5 star amazon rating.
Great to start with, but don’t correct long term as much as the other ones.
Crucial Tips:
If you are very sore, TRY THESE FIRST! These are easiest to break in with initially. If you are very sore and rigid, don’t use the heavy duty ones to start with.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):
Best Medium to Heavy Duty Heel Pain Orthotics:
Best Women’s Orthotics
Superfeet All-Purpose Women's High Impact Support Insoles (Berry) - Trim-To-Fit Orthotic Arch Support Inserts for Women's Running Shoes - Professional Grade - Size 8.5-10 Women
Great Support & Better Fit
Sleek, supportive and have a better fit than the orthotics above.
A little bit more expensive.
Crucial Tips:
These will have a harder time fitting in flats and pointed shoes.
Affiliate Link (Buying through these links will connect you to Amazon):


Best Shoes & Best Insoles