Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]
Mole Under the Toenail or Fingernail[Causes, Diagnosis & Best Treatment!]
A Mole Under the Toenail or Fingernaill can be a dangerous melanoma. Make 100% sure that you are not ignoring something dangerous and thinking it is fungus!
Table of Contents
Black mole under the big toenail melanoma video:
Always check with your podiatrist if you are concerned regarding toenail cancer. Do not just rely on these videos or articles. A biopsy may be the best and only way to rule out a dangerous mole or cancer under your toenail.
Black underneath the toenail causes:

Red or Black Toenail Picture & Photo Gallery:
- A red toenail generally means fresh blood or a fresh injury.
- This can be called a toenail hematoma or fresh blood from repetitive irritation.
- A black toenail is generally more dried blood that has crested underneath the toenail.
- Very infrequently, can a black toenail be something more dangerous like melanoma?
- It is also possible for your toenail to the infected with toenail fungus. This can also then result in rubbing and bleeding after the toenail fungus.
- If there is toenail fungus, this is usually more of a brown or yellow color.
- A toenail falling off is a widespread problem as well.
Please click on the photo gallery for descriptions & full-size photos!
Please click on the photo gallery for descriptions & full size photos!
Is It Dangerous?
How to tell if you are safe from A Mole Under the Toenail or Fingernail:
Probably safe (but should still visit the podiatrist) if:
- The streak is less than 3 millimeters in width.
- The streak is uniform in length and of continuous color as it progresses down the nail.
- The streak or pigment is only present in the nail and not in the skin.
- The nail is not deformed, bloody, or cracked in that area.
- The nail looks normal compared to the other nails.
Visit a podiatrist for a biopsy immediately if:
- The black streak is over 3 millimeters in width.
- The streak is widest at the start of the nail origin.
- The streak is not uniform or appears disrupted.
- The streak changes color the further you get.
- The streak continues from under the nail into the skin, termed “Hutchinson’s sign.”
- The nail becomes deformed, bloody, or starts to crack in the area of the streak.
- The nail looks very unusual compared to the other nails.
- The streak is more common in the thumb and the big toe.
- The streak may even be white; in this case, be aware of a nodule or irregularity forming under the nail plate.
- If you have ever considered that there may be a wart underneath your nail that is just not healing.
What is the dangerous cause:
- The most dangerous cause is something called melanoma.
- This is a type of skin cancer that can occur underneath the big toe joint.
- The best way to tell if you have melanoma is that it is enlarging, growing in size, and connecting from underneath the toenail onto the skin.
- If your toenail is detached, you will not have pigment changes throughout the skin surrounding the toe.
- A melanoma will also not grow with the toenail.
- If the black spot is associated with a loose nail or the toenail growing out, this is more likely to be a bruised or damaged toenail.
What makes a melanoma more likely?
- Melanoma is a skin problem, not a toenail problem.
- If the skin pigmentation extends beyond the toenail, this is a big sign that you have a melanoma.
- If it grows into the cuticle, this is a sign of melanoma.
- If the melanoma is getting worse over time rather than better, then this is a clear sign that it is not the toenail problem.
- If you suspect a melanoma see your podiatrist or dermatologist immediately.
Causes of a Black Toenail:
1)Runner’s Toe:
- The runner’s toe occurs if the toenail is rubbing against the front of the shoe.
- Even if it is not really painful, blood could accumulate in leakage or blistering under the nail.
- This page is dedicated to treating the runner’s toe.

- We list numerous products below on how to treat runner’s toes.
- The most important thing is getting a shoe that fits better and keeps pressure off your toes.
- Runners’ toe is secondary due to repeated trauma and injury.
- Click this link to follow our runners-toe treatment guide.
2)Traumatic Injury:
- A big bump can cause your toenail to loosen.
- This is not the most likely cause. Multiple smaller irritations to the toenail are more likely to make this happen.

- If you have a traumatic injury to your big toenail, the most important thing is to ensure that you don’t have a broken toe.
- If the toenail is loose and falling off, it may be in your benefit to let a podiatrist from it and apply antibiotic ointment.
- It is important to make sure that there is no exposed bone underneath the toenail.
- If there is exposed bone, you may be at risk for bone infection.
- If you have an unusual streak of black pigment that is pain-free and just appeared over without any incident.
- For More Resources: Melanoma Guide.
- Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can become malignant and spread.
- This is the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
- The doctor that treats a foot melanoma is a dermatologist and is usually diagnosed earlier by a podiatrist.
- Always be sure and see your doctor!
4)Toenail fungus:
- If your nails gradually become thick, discolored, and crumbly under the border, then read our comprehensive guide to toenail fungus.
- Toenail fungus is potentially the most common cause of toenail starting to loosen and come off the taupe.
- We put together a comprehensive guide with toe fungus products below.

Best Toenail Fungus Products:
- These are our favorite products to treat toenail fungus at home.
- Keratin Granulations are very easily taken care of through moisturizing your nails with cuticle wax, oils and simply avoiding nail polish for a little while.
- It is not necessary to buy anything expensive or online; it is fine to simply use a product like Vaseline or any other petroleum oil in most circumstances.
- So get yourself some petroleum jelly at your corner store and apply it to your nails at night when you won’t be using your hands. In 2 weeks, you should be in great shape!
- Make sure you read the reviews and see if it is good for you!
How to fix toenail fungus:
- There are many different types of toenail damage.
- In our experience, about 90% or more is related to toenail fungus.
- The key to toenail fungus is to trim it as much as possible and file that nailed down.
- These products are not meant to replace prescription drugs or medical treatment equipment.
- If you can do that, you have to make sure you can kill fungus the rest of the way.
- The best way to do that is to soak exfoliate the affected toenail skin. So, consider foot soaks.
- At the same time, you have to apply antifungal medication such as these medications recommended here or the toenail repair pens.

Best Toenail Fungus Clippers & Files:
- This is something you have to be careful using at home, and deftly don’t use these if you have dangerous health conditions.
- These are some great value heavy-duty clippers and sets.
- The key is to cut straight across and file the nail down from the top to prevent impinging in the corners.
- It is also important to make sure all dead, dry skin is removed surrounding the foot.
- This is where you should really see your podiatrist if you have any concerns or are worried about cutting or hurting yourself.
- This is something covered, so don’t take chances with your health!

Best Toenail Fungus Polish and Remover:
- There is some great toenail fungus polish options and polish removal options.
- There are no acetone-based toenail polish removers, they don’t dry as quickly, but they are less like a dehydrator toenail.
- This also applies to your fingernails and hands.
- The benefits of using these non-toxic toenail polishes are filled with non-fungal options such as tea tree oil which prevent the spread of toenail fungus.
- These can also work well for the fingernails.
- So great combo is to use one of these healthier toenail paint options, as well as a non-acetone-based toenail polish remover.

Best Antifungal Moisture Wicking Socks:
- These are some great options for moisture-wicking socks.
- We tried to focus on budget value stocks that are not too expensive.
- Sure there are better stocks out there, but these are great socks for a great price for most people.
- If you have diabetes, focus on getting yourself some diabetic socks.
Best woman’s antifungal socks:

Best men’s antifungal socks:

Recommended foot fungus products:
- It is also essential to fix your foot fungus.
- Even if you cure your toenail fungus, keep your toenails trimmed in healthy: your foot fungus can spread back into toenails.
- It’s not a far journey from skin fungus to jump onto your toenails again.
- So make sure you treat your foot fungus, as well as your toenail fungus.

Get The Best Shoes:
- You definitely want to get great shoes and sandals for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.
- Specifically, when you are in a communal shower or pool, you want to get a good pair of sandals. We compiled a great list of our recommended orthotic flip-flops.
- You also want to get new breathable shoes that are not covered in sweat and mesh around the toes.
- Specifically, good pairs of running shoes have a mesh where your toes are. This prevents your toenails from rubbing and prevents them from dreaming on the front of the foot.
- Click on the below link to see which shoes we recommend for your toenail fungus and foot fungus.
Get The Best Shoe Fit:
- One of the most common biomechanical causes of toenail problems, bunions, hammertoes, and outside of the foot problems is poorly fitting shoes.
- A well-fitting and proper shoes can sometimes make all the difference in heel pain and overall foot pain.
- If you have too small or too big shoes, this can result in crowding or too much motion and sliding within your shoe.
- This can cause people to walk improperly and put more weight on their knees, hips, and lower back!
- We usually find that people make some of the 10 mistakes that we talk about.
- Watch the below treatment video to make sure that this never happens again!

Toenail Pain [Toenail Fungus, Ingrown Toenails, Discolored Toenails]