Top of the Foot Pain:
Top of Foot Swollen [Causes, Symptoms & Best Home Treatment]
Is your top of the foot swollen? Causes include #1) Lisfranc sprain or fracture and#2) Top of the foot extensor tendonitis, and #3) Many more!
Table of Contents
Swollen top of the foot causes & best treatment video:
Causes of a swollen top of the foot:
Top of the Foot Pain Picture Gallery:
The most common causes of top of the foot pain:
- Top of the foot nerve compression.
- A swollen top of the foot can also occur due to stress across the top of the foot.
- Lisfranc fracture or sprain.
- Sprained top of the foot.
- Top of the foot bone spur.
- Hallux rigidus or dorsal 1st metatarsal joint spur.
- Dorsal foot compression syndrome.
- Flat foot compression leading to osteoarthritis.
So, let’s look at the PICTURES!
Top of Foot Swollen [Causes, Symptoms & Best Home Treatment] Overview:
- The goal is to see whether just one foot is swollen or both feet are swollen.
- If just 1 foot is swollen, this is most likely an injury to 1 of the feet or too much rubbing to the top of the foot.
- The most common cause of just 1 top of the foot being swollen is a Lisfranc fracture or sprain or rubbing against the top of the foot in a tight shoe.
- Usually, one foot is flatter than the other to become more swollen and painful than the other foot.
- It is also common to have extensor tendonitis to the top of both feet. It is also possible to have heart problems, liver problems, kidney problems, or breathing problems that can lead to swelling in her feet.
- If both feet are swollen equally, see your doctor or podiatrist and have your feet evaluated!
The symptoms can usually depend on what is the cause of your top of the foot swelling or your swollen top of the foot:
- Numbness burning and tingling can be caused by irritation to the nerves on top of her foot.
- A deep aching throb can be due to rubbing or extensor tendonitis to the top of your foot.
- If you have prominent bone, this may be a bone spur or a bone prominence.
- If you have redness, this may be skin irritation to the top of the foot.
Most Common Causes:
1) Dorsal Compression Syndrome:
- Dorsal compression syndrome occurs when there is too much stress on the foot.
- This is most common in a condition called overpronation. This is when your foot flattens out, and the arch collapses.
- This leads to the bones compressing on the top of your foot while the bottom of your foot stretches.
- The top of your foot experiences compression.
- The bottom of your foot experiences tension and microscopic tearing.
2) Top Of Foot Numbness Or Tingling:
- The top of the foot’s tingling is usually due to nerve irritation.
- The medial dorsal cutaneous nerve is most frequently affected.
- The medial dorsal cutaneous nerve is a branch off of your superficial peroneal nerve.
- If you have tight shoelaces or a tight boot pressing against the top of your foot, this can lead to bruising of these nerves.
- A bruise nerve can be sore and swollen for 2-3 months or more.
- This bruising can take a lot of time in a lot of effort to get better.
3)Top Of The Foot Bone Spur:
A bone spur on top of the foot forms due to abnormal friction and stress on the bone.
- Bone spurs are your body’s response to try to strengthen an area that experiences too much pressure.
- Too many people think that the spur is the problem itself; the spur is not the problem!
- If you can get rid of the abnormal forces and stress, the spur should not bother you very much.
- The spur itself rarely needs to be removed for many people.
- The problem with the spur is that it can eventually cause nerve compression and pressure against the top of your shoe.
4)Metatarsal Stress Fracture:
- This is most common in people who start working in a new job with a lot of walking on a hard floor or an athlete who has started extensive training.
- This does not happen instantly, But gradually over time.
- It can take days or weeks to start hurting and causing pain gradually.
- Eventually, this will get too excruciating to continue walking or running.
- This can take 10-21 days to show up on X-ray.
- In our office, in option is to use ultrasound to detect the stress fracture.
- The more sensitive test can be an MRI or a CT scan, leading to an extensive co-pay fracture. For this reason, we try to focus on using the ultrasound or trying to see if the treatment causes relief of symptoms.
5)Sprained Top Of The Foot:
- A sprain in the top of the foot or the arch is called a Lisfranc sprain.
- In most cases, it is usually only a sprain that lasts a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
- But in some cases, it may be essential to seek imaging & further treatment.
6)Lisfranc sprain or Lisfranc fracture:
- Lisfranc sprain or Lisfranc fracture is an injury to the ligaments holding the middle of your foot together.
- If just one foot is swollen and you have had a traumatic incident recently, this is very likely the cause of your foot pain.
- This can read quite reducing your podiatrist, and it might require surgery, being in a cast, boot, and time off work.
- Do not take a chance with a Lisfranc fracture or Lisfranc sprain. Get it evaluated immediately!
7)Fluid Cyst:
- Ganglionic cysts are soft masses across the top of the foot which are not immediately dangerous!
- These are simply pockets of fluid that pouch out from the joints of your foot bones like a balloon.
- Treatment consists of draining and removing the pocket of fluid.
- But they should still check out by a podiatrist because there is a chance that they may be something a little more dangerous.
8) Extensor Tendonitis:
- Just like a nerve can get irritated on top of the foot, so can tendons.
- The most common tendon is called the anterior tibial tendon.
- Another name for this is anterior tibial tendonitis.
- Extensor tendons are the ones responsible for lifting your foot toward your shin.
- They can become irritated from being overworked.
- This is very common in long-distance runners and running hills.
- The front of your leg and the top of your foot will be sore.
9)Plantar Fasciitis – Entire Arch Pain.
- This is by far the most common pain in the arch of your foot.
- It is said that up to 40% or more people in the world will experience chronic heel pain at some point in her life.
- 93% or more of heel pain has been said to be a form of plantar fasciitis.
- If it feels painful in the morning & painful after walks, this is the first thing you should consider.
- This usually gets better after 10-20 steps, but new microscopic tears from within your plantar fascia ligament.
- The key is to stop this damage from occurring first, use good shoes and good insoles to make this pain go away examination point.
- Plantar fasciitis is usually related to flat foot & is due to the stretching of the tissues in the middle of your foot!
Top of the Foot Home Treatment:
- There are usually two phases to treating the top of the foot pain treatment.
- This doesn’t matter whether it’s an intermittent sharp pain on top of the foot, pain on top of the foot near toes, tendonitis on top of the foot, or a top of the foot bone spur. Treatment is all roughly very similar.
- The two phases of treatment include controlling the acute inflammation and correcting the biomechanics, which led to the problem in the first place.
- Great top-of-the-foot shoes and great orthotics lead to the prevention of dorsal compression syndrome. This prevents compression on top of the foot. It prevents the stretching on the bottom of the foot.
- This will also reduce your numbness, burning, and tingling pain.
Control Inflammation:
Massage & Ice Products:
- The metal ball is one of my personal favorites.
- This can work well for a bruised top of the foot.
- This is not a permanent solution. You still need to remove the stress off of the top of the foot.

Menthol Based Gels:
- Biofreeze is one of our favorites.
- These gels have been studied to work 2x as long as ice.
- This can also work as a great option for a bruised top of the foot or top of the foot extensor tendonitis.
- This is not a permanent solution. You still need to remove the stress off of the top of the foot.

Massage Sticks:
- These can work great for loosening your muscles.
- This allows less tightness and pressure on the ball of your foot.
- This works best for extensor tendonitis on the top of the foot.

Removing The Stress:
- The key is to prevent future pain.
- If you can get rid of the pain and swelling, this will let you start walking normally.
- If you can walk normally, the vast majority of your pain should gradually start to go away.
- This will limit dorsal compression syndrome and limit extensor tendonitis to the top of the foot.
Best Top of the Foot Pain Shoes:
- Getting a great supportive pair of shoes will ensure that pressure is removed from the top of the foot.
- There is much less compression appreciated.
- This is especially important if you have a swollen top of your foot, intermittent sharp pain on top of your foot, and top of the foot compression.
- Consider shoes combined with a good supportive orthotic for the best pain relief!
- The following link will show you what our favorites are.
The Best Top of the Foot Pain Orthotics:
- These are our recommended orthotics.
- There are different types of different shoes.
- Women’s shoes usually need a less bulky orthotic but allow for less correction.
- A full-length orthotic requires a running shoe, boot, or comfortable walking/dress shoe.
Best Full-Length Orthotics:

Best Dress Shoe Orthotics:

Best 3/4 Length Orthotics:

Get A Great Dynamic Stretch:
- It is possible to stretch on your own, but these products can also really help!
- This will take pressure off of the ball of your foot.

Get A Great Static Stretch:
- These devices are great for stretching while you are resting.
- This will also help take pressure off of the ball of your foot.

Top of the Foot Pain Trauma:
- If you have a sprain Of the foot, Lisfranc fracture, or a fracture to the top of the foot, you need to protect it.
- The recommended way of doing this is to offload with a good supportive boot or cast.
- The best way to do this is, of course, to see your podiatrist and get evaluated with an x-ray, ultrasound, and potentially even an MRI or CT scan.
- If you cannot do so, it may benefit you to be in a cast, fractured boot, or even keep the weight off of it with a rolling knee scooter or other protective devices.
- We as podiatrists frequently take patients off work for a very long period of time when they suffer a traumatic injury. Unfortunately, there is no other way around us in labor jobs.
- If you have a sit-down job, there are ways to get people back to work quicker, but this can be impossible otherwise.
Top of the Foot Fracture Boot Treatment:
- There are pros and cons to using a boot to treat your foot pain. The pros are that your injured heel will hopefully have a chance to heal gradually! If you are immobilized too long, the cons are that you will gradually become stiff and overworked to your other leg. r
- Our favorite fracture boots and their supplies:

Offloading and Scooter treatment:
- These are favorite knee scooters and walking devices.
- If your Achilles tendonitis pain is severe, offloading can be very effective until the pain calms down.

Top of the Foot Pain:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why is the top of my foot swollen?
If you ever asked yourself “Why is the top of my foot swollen?” Your foot is swollen most commonly due to dorsal compression syndrome and overpronation of your foot. With over pronation of your foot the dorsal portion of the foot can compress and caused swelling and tenderness to the top of the foot.
why is the top of my foot swollen and hurt?
If you ever asked yourself “Why is the top of my foot swollen & hurt?” In our experience the top of the foot being swollen and her is almost always due to overuse and overpronation. It usually happens in either the left foot or the right foot depending on who is tighter through the hamstring or the calf muscle on that foot. This versus the foot to externally rotate more on that side causing the Lisfranc joint to compress at the top and stretch at the bottom.
Why is the top of my foot swollen and red?
If you ever asked yourself “Why is the top of my foot swollen and red?” The redness can be due to the overpronation of your foot as well as rubbing against the top of your shoe. The best relief that we have found towards the top of the foot turning red is to change the Lasix so that it is not squishing or squeezing against the top of the foot.